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Hot Toys - VGM34 -《漫威蜘蛛俠》蜘蛛俠 (緋紅蜘蛛戰衣) Spider-Man (Scarlet Spider Suit) 1/6 比例人偶作品【Toy Fair Exclusive】登場!


在推出「蜘蛛俠(先進戰衣)」、「龐克蜘蛛俠」之後,Hot Toys 再度發表來自人氣電玩《漫威蜘蛛俠(Marvel’s Spider-Man)》的新作「蜘蛛俠(緋紅蜘蛛戰衣)」(Spider-Man(Scarlet Spider Suit))1/6 比例人偶!


由Insomniac 開發、於2018年發行的電玩大作《漫威蜘蛛俠》為PS4 的獨佔作品,玩家將扮演蜘蛛人穿梭在紐約各處探索、打擊犯罪,除了與眾多經典反派:金霸王、沙人、電光人、犀牛人、蠍子人、禿鷹,負極先生......等角色戰鬥之外,遊戲中還有許多服裝、要素等著玩家們去取得與破解,相信許多玩具人也跟小編一樣,光是操控蜘蛛俠在高樓大廈之間飛速擺盪、在街道上跑酷就超High 超過癮的吧~!


「蜘蛛俠 (緋紅蜘蛛戰衣) 1/6 比例人偶」高約30 公分,全身共計30 處可動,考究地再現了電玩中的搶眼外觀,白色大眼超帥氣!紅色緊身衣刻畫出細緻的紋路,藍色無袖連帽背心在正、反面都印上了黑色蜘蛛圖樣,配備了腰帶、蛛網發射器、腳踝彈藥袋,配件部分包含連有可愛背帶的相機、咖啡、甜甜圈、手機、披薩盒與披薩(可拿起一片)、各種蜘蛛絲特效,以及多個替換手型,不管是要帥氣戰鬥、漫遊城市,還是悠閒下午茶都很可以啊!

VGM34 - Marvel's Spider-Man - 1/6th Spider-Man (Scarlet Spider Suit) 蜘蛛俠(緋紅蜘蛛戰衣)

庫存單位: 4895228601094
稅金  未含
  • The 1/6th scale Scarlet Spider Collectible Figure specially features:
    – Authentic and detailed likeness of Scarlet Spider in Marvel’s Spider-Man game
    – A newly developed masked head sculpt
    – Approximately 30 cm tall
    – Newly developed specialized body with over 30 points of articulations
    – Ten (10) pieces of interchangeable hands with web pattern including:
    – One (1) pair of web shooting hands
    – One (1) pair of fists
    – One (1) pair of open hands
    – One (1) pair of relax hands
    – One (1) left gesturing hand
    – One (1) right hand for holding spider web

    Costume :
    – One (1) newly developed red colored Scarlet Spider suit
    – One (1) blue colored hooded vest with graphic black Spider-print on chest and back
    – One (1) pair of web shooters
    – One (1) pair of ankle pouches
    – One (1) camouflage utility belt
    – One (1) pair of red colored shoes

    – One (1) camera with camera belt
    – One (1) coffee cup
    – One (1) donut
    – One (1) smart phone
    – One (1) pizza with a piece of removable slice and one (1) pizza box
    – Six (6) strings of spider web in different shapes and lengths, attachable to the web-shooters
    – One (1) open spider web effect accessory
    – A specially designed Spider-Man figure stand with Marvel’s Spider-Man game logo, character name and character backdrop

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