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「確定新增傑克·葛倫霍頭雕配件」鋼鐵人與索爾的合體?! Hot Toys - MMS556 -《蜘蛛人:離家日》神秘客 Mysterio 1/6 比例人偶作品登場!

"Mysterio is The Truth!!"

在推出「蜘蛛人 (電影宣傳版)」、「蜘蛛人 (潛行戰衣)」普通版與豪華版、「蜘蛛人 (升級戰衣版)」,以及「蜘蛛人 (自製戰衣版)」之後,Hot Toys 於日前再度發表來自《蜘蛛人:離家日》的 1/6 比例人偶新作「神秘客」(Mysterio)!於 2021 年第三~第四季發貨!

在《離家日》由「傑克·葛倫霍(Jake Gyllenhaal)」飾演的神秘客本名為「昆汀·貝克(Quentin Beck)」,是利用全息影像投影技術虛構出「元素眾」、藉著騙術獲得眾人信任的狡猾反派,對東尼懷著怨恨的貝克集結了多位史塔克工業的前員工,在順利從彼得手中拿到集結了史塔克工業高科技的技術結晶「伊蒂絲(E.D.I.T.H.)」之後,便著手展開他「拯救世界」的下一項計劃......。

「神秘客 1/6 比例人偶」高約 30 公分,全身共計 28 處可動,根據電影設定考究地再現了神秘客的綠色戰衣、古銅色護甲,以及勃艮第酒紅色披風的豐富細節,胸部、手前臂裝甲的綠色部分還施以特殊的螢光特效塗裝,在透明頭盔裡瀰漫著白煙的頭部搭載 LED 發光功能,配件部分包含一對幻覺特效、綠色煙霧特效,與多個替換手型,可惜的是沒有附上裸顏頭雕啊!

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MMS556 -Spider-Man: Far From Home- 1/6th MYSTERIO《蜘蛛俠:離家日》神秘客

庫存單位: 4895228602756
稅金  未含
  • The 1/6th scale Mysterio Collectible Figure specially features:
    - Authentic and detailed likeness of Mysterio from Spider-Man: Far From Home
    - One (1) newly developed head sculpt of Jake Gyllenhaal as Quentin Beck
    - One (1) newly developed helmeted head with LED light-up function (battery operated)
    - Specialized body with over 28 points of articulation
    - Approximately 30cm tall
    - Six (6) interchangeable hands in fingerless gloves, including:
    - One (1) pair of fists
    - One (1) pair of relaxed hands
    - One (1) pair of gesture hands

    - One (1) burgundy colored cape with clasps
    - One (1) piece of newly developed bronze and burgundy colored body armor with luminous reflective effect
    - One (1) dark green colored under suit with scale-patterned design 
    - One (1) pair of bronze colored gauntlets
    - One (1) pair of bronze colored boots

    - One (1) pair of illusion effect accessories
    - Two (2) green colored smoke effect diorama accessories 
    - One (1) specially designed dynamic figure stand with character nameplate and movie logo 

    - Diorama Accessory designed by Studio HIVE

    Release date: Approximately Q3 – Q4, 2021

    **Prototype shown is not final, pending licensor approval
    **Product details are subject to change without further notice

    © MARVEL © 2019 CPII. All Rights Reserved.
    © 2019 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.

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