令人大呼過癮的重裝火力!! Hot Toys – MMS547D34 -《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》鋼鐵愛國者 Iron Patriot 1/6 比例人偶作品登場!
在《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》中,當過去(2014年)的薩諾斯被傳送到了現在(2023年)、大軍壓境要蹂躪地球時,奇異博士運用魔法讓大家都來到了戰場!而在蟻人的救援之下,被壓在復仇者聯盟基地瓦礫堆底下的浩克、火箭、羅德也順利脫離險境並準備參戰!雖然在電影中並沒有具體呈現出來,但原本已經脫離戰爭機器裝甲的羅德,在從巨大化蟻人的手中出現時就已經穿上了「鋼鐵愛國者(Iron Patriot)」裝甲了!
「鋼鐵愛國者 1/6 比例人偶」高約32 公分,全身共計30 處可動,依據電影設定考究地再現了這套全新重裝戰甲精密、複雜的機構,並施以厚重的金屬塗裝與逼真舊化,雙肩、腹部還可看到星星符號與機體編碼,在胸口反應爐、雙眼、雙掌處設置LED 發光功能,點亮起來更具臨場感!本作附屬了可配備於背部、肩膀的大砲、導彈發射裝置,加上位於手前臂的多組機關槍,再現其重砲火力的威武姿態!另外,還會附上飾演 Rhodey 的「唐·奇鐸(Don Cheadle)」裸顏頭雕。
多倫多獨家現貨發售! 原裝正版商品保證 ONLY@X2 AKiHABARA 多倫多秋葉原駅。創立於2007年·歷史悠久·信心保證。全多倫多更新速度最快,款式最多,全現貨發售!
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MMS547D34 -Avengers End Game- 1/6th IRON PATRIOT《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》鋼鐵愛國者
The 1/6th scale Iron Patriot Collectible Figure specially features:
- Authentic and detailed likeness of Iron Patriot in Avengers: Endgame
- One (1) newly developed head sculpt with authentic likeness of Don Cheadle as James Rhodes in the movie
- Movie-accurate facial features with detailed wrinkles and skin texture
- One (1) interchangeable helmeted head with LED light-up function (white light, battery operated)
- Approximately 32.5 cm tall
- Over 30 points of articulations
- Contains diecast material
- Special features on armor:
- Metallic blue, reddish orange and grayish silver colored painting on the sleek and streamline armor design
- 6 LED light-up points throughout parts of the armor (white light, battery operated)
- One (1) pair of fully deployable air flaps at back of the armor
- One (1) detachable chest armor to reveal interior mechanical design
- One (1) set of attachable cannon (attachable to forearm or back of figure)
- Two (2) sets of interchangeable forearm cannon (normal and missile firing)
- Two (2) sets of interchangeable forearm armor (normal and missile firing)
- Six (6) pieces of interchangeable hands including:
• One (1) pair of fists
• One (1) pair of hands with articulated fingers and light-up repulsors (white light, battery operated)
• One (1) pair of repulsor firing hands (white light, battery operated)
- Articulations on waist armor which allow flexible movement
- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted
- One (1) pair of articulated back-mounted cannons
- One (1) pair of articulated shoulder-mounted missile launchers
- A specially designed movie-themed figure base with movie logo and character name
- Head Sculpted by Tae Ho Kang
- Head Painted by E-Lee & JC.Hong
- Head Art Directed by JC. Hong
- Armor Painted by Lok Ho
Release date: Approximately Q4, 2020 – Q1, 2021
** Prototype shown is not final. Pending licensor approval
**Battery included for collectible figure, button cells are required.
**Product details could be subjected to change without further notice.