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讓人引頸期盼的漫威強檔《驚奇隊長》距離上映(3/6)只剩下不到一個月啦!在推出驚奇隊長的四款Cosbaby 之後,Hot Toys 終於發表了來自《驚奇隊長》的「驚奇隊長」(Captain Marvel)1/6 比例人偶,並同步推出「MMS521 普通版」與「MMS522 豪華版」!於2019年第四季~2020年第一季發貨!!


現任的驚奇隊長本名為「卡蘿·丹佛斯(Carol Danvers)」,因為初代驚奇隊長「邁威爾(Mar-Vell)」的敵人來到地球抓走卡蘿,過程中更意外地引發了一個精神裝置爆炸,導致邁威爾一部分的身體結構與卡蘿融合,卡蘿也因此獲得不可思議的能量,不但能夠飛行,還擁有了超人類般的速度、力量,之後卡蘿化身為「驚奇女士(Ms. Marvel)」並加入復仇者聯盟,更在邁威爾死後繼承驚奇隊長的位子,成為第二代驚奇隊長;身為漫威英雄中最強的人之一,除了是防止地球被外星入侵的第一道防線外,更是保護多元宇宙的要員。

「驚奇隊長 1/6 比例人偶」高約29 公分,全身共計28 處可動,根據電影設定製作出經典的紅、藍、金配色戰衣,表面擁有絕佳的金屬質感,紋路、縫線......等細節都考究還原,頭雕傳神地形塑出演員「布麗·拉森(Brie Larson)」的面部輪廓與堅毅神情,本作還附屬了戴著頭盔的替換頭雕,除了在雙眼與頭髮的部分設置LED 之外,更有棕色與透明黃兩種頭髮零件!配件部分包含兩對能量特效件,搭配具備LED 發光功能的手前臂就能再現驚奇隊長發動能力的場面啦!


「MMS522 豪華版」除了擁有「MMS521 普通版」的所有內容之外,還追加了褐色的仿皮質感飛行員夾克、高約4.5 公分的貓咪Goose,以及一對呈現發射狀態的能量特效零件!夾克的縫線、背部的圖樣都相當精美,而Goose 的毛皮質感更是逼真形塑,超級可愛呀~



MMS522 - Captain Marvel - 1/6th scale Captain Marvel (Deluxe Version) 驚奇隊長 豪華版

庫存單位: 364115376135191
稅金  未含
  • The 1/6th scale Captain Marvel Collectible Figure specially features:

    – Authentic and detailed likeness of Captain Marvel in Captain Marvel
    – One (1) newly developed interchangeable Captain Marvel helmeted head sculpt with LED light-up function (white light, battery operated)
    – Two (2) pieces of Mohawk hair sculptures wearable on LED helmeted head (blond and translucent yellow)
    – One (1) newly developed head sculpt with authentic likeness of Brie Larson as Captain Marvel in the movie
    – Movie-accurate facial expression and make-up
    – Long blond color hair sculpture
    – Newly developed body with over 28 points of articulations and LED-light up function on forearms (battery operated)
    – Approximately 29cm tall
    – Seven (7) pieces of red-colored interchangeable gloved hands including:
    – One (1) pair of fists
    – One (1) pair of relaxed hands
    – Three (3) gesture hands
    – Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted

    – One (1) newly tailored metallic red and blue Captain Marvel suit with shoulder armor and star emblem on chest
    – One (1) pair of metallic red and gold colored gauntlets
    – One (1) pair of metallic blue colored knee pads
    – One (1) metallic red and gold colored belt
    – One (1) pair of metallic red and blue colored boots
    – One (1) brown-colored leather-like jacket***

    – One (1) pair of translucent blue colored interchangeable energy-blasting effect fists
    – One (1) pair of interchangeable gradient red and yellow colored energy-blasting gauntlets

    – One (1) pair of translucent blue colored effect accessories (wearable on hands)
    – One (1) pair of gradient yellow colored energy-blasting effect accessories (wearable on hands)
    – A movie themed figure base stand with character name
    – One (1) Goose the cat (approximately 4.5cm tall)***
    – One (1) pair of gradient yellow and blue colored firing effect accessories (attachable on hands)***

    – Head Sculpted by So Young, Lee
    – Head Painted by E-Lee & JC. Hong
    – Head Art Directed by JC. Hong

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