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在特製燈光下才會顯現的細膩紋理! Hot Toys - VGM43 -《漫威蜘蛛俠》蜘蛛俠(蜘蛛裝甲馬克4) Spider-Man (Spider Armor - MK IV Suit) 1/6 比例人偶登場!

在推出「蜘蛛俠(高級戰衣)」、「龐克蜘蛛俠」、「蜘蛛人(緋紅蜘蛛戰衣)」、「蜘蛛俠 (負空間戰衣)」,以及「蜘蛛俠 (鋼鐵蜘蛛裝甲)」之後,世界知名的香港玩具廠牌 Hot Toys 再度發表來自電玩《漫威蜘蛛人(Marvel’s Spider-Man)》的新作「蜘蛛俠(蜘蛛裝甲馬克4)」(Spider-Man (Spider Armor - MK IV Suit))!

蜘蛛裝甲馬克4,初登場於 Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 4 #1,是彼得利用 Parker Industries 公司資源、以輕量化的「奈米液態金屬」所打造的高科技戰衣,而在遊戲《漫威蜘蛛俠》中則是有暫時吸收傷害的防護罩功能;本次的「VGM43 1/6 比例蜘蛛俠(蜘蛛裝甲馬克4)」高約 30 公分,全身共計 30 處可動,最大賣點即是戰衣上那運用特殊塗裝技術完成、在特製 LED 燈效照射之下才會顯現的圖案!

這套以高彈性布料縫製的戰衣基本上跟經典戰衣一樣都是採用紅藍搭配為主調,可紅色部分帶有厚重金屬感,胸前的蜘蛛標誌也改為更具科技感的造型,而且忠實還原了淡淡湖水綠的邊框,本作共有三對替換眼以及豐富的替換手型、六個蜘蛛絲特效件,另外,還附上考究還原遊戲設定的「蜘蛛無人機(Spider Drone)」,地台則是搭載了特製的 LED 發光功能,但不得不說點亮之後其網格紋路的細膩程度實在是密集的可怕XD~

Hot Toys - MMS197D02 - IRON MAN 3: 1/6th IRON MAN MARK XLII 鋼鐵俠馬克42

庫存單位: HT00015
C$999.99 一般價格
稅金  未含
  • The 1/6th scale Mark XLII Limited Edition Collectible Figurine specially features:
    - Authentic and detailed fully realized likeness of Mark XLII in the movie  
    - Battle damaged head sculpt with helmet with authentic likeness of Robert Downey Jr. as Mark XLII in the movie 
    - Alternate helmeted head with light-up function  
    - Approximately 31 cm tall
    - Over 36 points of articulations
    - Special features on armor:
    - LED-lighted eyes and circle-shaped RT on chest (white light, battery operated) 
    - One (1) interchangeable battle damaged mask
    - One (1) pair of damaged shoulder armor
    - One (1) chest armor
    - One (1) damaged chest armor
    - One (1) damaged biceps armor
    - One (1) pair of damaged forearm armor
    - Three (3) pairs of interchangeable palms including:  
    - One (1) pair with improved articulations, movable fingers and light-up repulsors 
    (white light, battery operated)  
    - One (1) pair of forceful fists
    - One (1) pair of battle palms with light-up repulsor (white light, battery operated)  
    - Improved articulations on waist armor which allow flexible movement  
    - Fully deployed air flaps at back of the armor 
    - Metallic red, gold and silver colored painting on armor  

    - LED light-up figure stand with Mark XLII nameplate and movie logo (white light, battery operated)

    - Head Sculpted by Kojun & Lee So Young
    - Head Painted by JC. Hong 
    - Head Art Directed by JC. Hong

    **Prototype shown is not final, pending licensor approval
    **Product details could be subjected to change without further notice
    **Battery included for collectible figure, button cells are required
    **Battery not included for figure stand, 2A batteries (2 pieces) are required 

    Release date: Q1, 2014
    TM & © 2013 Marvel & Subs.
    © 2013 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.

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