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以收藏級高階可動人偶聞名的香港玩具品牌 Hot Toys 正式發表了出自 2022 年影集《假面騎士 BLACK SUN》的最新商品「假面騎士影月 1/6比例可動人偶」預計於 2023 年 10 月發售的消息。此商品將同步推出一般版、附有綠色王者之石飾品的特別版。


登場於《假面騎士BLACK SUN》的秋月信彥是假面騎士 SHADOWMOON 的變身者,11 歲時他與南光太郎一同遭研究員的父親植入王者之石成為怪人,同時也是「創世王」的候補之一。在人類與怪人急遽衝突的日本 70 年代,南光太郎、秋月信彥與一群怪人戰友組織反歧視團體「護流五無」伸張怪人權利,卻在日本政府的介入下分崩離析,此後信彥遭到曾經的戰友囚禁長達 50 年,逃出後與南光太郎重逢的他原有共同終結「創世王」的信念,但在目睹怪人少年遭人類殺害、日本政府的腐敗後極度憤怒,決心支配戈爾哥姆黨並創造一個怪人凌駕於人類的世界,與企圖終結怪人歷史的光太郎拔刀相向。


HOT TOYS 假面騎士影月 1/6比例可動人偶」擁有全高約 32 公分的魄力尺寸,徹底再現佈滿肌肉紋路、皺褶與昆蟲硬殼的銀白身軀,並具備多達 30 處以上的可動部位,將關節零件完全包覆隱藏的狀態下同時兼具靈活可動範圍,更接近劇中戲服的真實質感。模型本體不僅能藉由黑光燈照射讓頭部和身體反射燈光,雙眼與腰帶更內藏綠色 LED 燈(USB供電)能點亮再現最終決戰時的發光造型!


藉由替換零件方式,變身腰帶能夠再現變形中、變形完成兩種造型。胸部兩側的拋棄式蟲足都能拆卸下來,透過裝上多種造型手掌、蟲足變化而來的「世紀王月劍」零件、撒旦軍刀、刀鞘等配件,就能把玩出帥氣的戰鬥場景。內附的支架台座採用靈活的軟管式支架,能夠隨著本體動作任意彎曲角度支撐,底座部分不僅印有《假面騎士 BLACK SUN》劇名LOGO,前方還貼有銀白的名牌。


©石森プロ・東映 ©「仮面ライダーBLACK SUN」PROJECT
© 2023 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.


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  • Neo was forced into a false reality by The Analyst, and believes himself to be the game designer named Thomas Anderson, who designed a series of Matrix video games that are based on Neo’s own memories. When Neo is first woken up to who he is, his powers as The One doesn’t immediately manifest, making it unclear if perhaps his death and rebirth caused them to fade. 

    Renowned actor Keanu Reeves has reprised his role of Neo for the fourth installment of the franchise, The Matrix Resurrections, and we are very excited to unveil this legendary character as the Neo Sixth Scale Collectible Figure as the Toy Fair Exclusive item available only in selected markets.

    Faithfully crafted based on the appearance of Keanu Reeves as Neo in The Matrix Resurrections, the Neo figure features a newly developed head sculpt and hair sculpture highlighting impressive likeness; the iconic long coat and form-fitting outfit with fine tailoring; an array of highly-detailed accessories including a pair of sunglasses, a bottle of pills, bullets with interchangeable waves effect, two-sided backdrop with mirror and frame, a Matrix video game themed backdrop with lenticular effect, interchangeable hands with blue pills and red pills, and a Matrix figure stand.

    THE MATRIX and all related characters and elements © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WB SHIELD: TM & © WBEI. (s22) © 2022 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.

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