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由扎克施奈德執導的《扎克·施奈德版正義聯盟》(Zack Snyder's Justice League) 早前公開首條正式預告和海報,引起全球DC影迷熱烈討論,好奇這個版本將會帶給我們什麽驚喜!《扎克·施奈德版正義聯盟》今天在HBO Max獨家上線,HotToys特意參照當中身穿土黃色大衣配襯軍褲造型的噩夢版蝙蝠俠和黑色戰袍造型的超人推出1:6比例珍藏人偶套裝作電影期間限定品。


蝙蝠俠頭雕配有換臉技術打造,備有三款可替換的下半臉部,以對應角色在相關電影情節中的精神狀態,同時更配有一個眼罩和一條保護下半臉專用啡綠色頸巾可配戴於蝙蝠俠頭雕上。此外,Hot Toys團隊更為角色塑造一個高32cm、30個可動關節的壯實魁梧人偶素體,身穿上一件飾有子彈孔細節的蝙蝠戰衣、一條配有護膝的軍綠色軍褲、一件飾有皮革紋理的土黃色大衣、一條啡綠色頸巾、一對黑色手套配有爪鈎、一條多功能腰帶和一對黑色長靴,均經悉心舊化塗裝技術處理,具沾染塵土的髒污效果,帶著一股滿滿的末日氣氛。隨人偶附有一把貼上小丑樸克牌作裝飾的自動步槍、一把手槍和一個望遠鏡外,和一個《正義聯盟》的立體電影標誌名牌地台。 


這次超人1:6比例珍藏人偶的賣點將落在由Hot Toys誠意配置兩個不同表情和狀態的可替換高度像真頭雕,深度還原超人的「雷射眼」造型與正常狀態的真人頭雕。當中的「雷射眼」咆哮憤怒頭雕除了於眼部位置細緻塗裝上仿紅色雷射電光效果外,更結合了LED發光功能,能深度展現出超人極度憤怒的神髓。 此外,Hot Toys參照演員亨利‧卡維爾的魁梧體態而特別塑造了一個高31.5cm和具30個可動關節的肌肉型人偶素體;同時,更特別根據電影戲服設定,於全套具彈性質感的黑色緊身戰袍,細緻於戰袍上飾有滴膠壓紋細節以及胸前上的經典超人S標誌變成了灰銀色;設計師著重物料上的彈性和厚薄度,務求突出肌肉紋理層次感之余,亦無阻人偶素體擺放各項姿勢的靈活性,而素體表面更塗上精細金屬質感塗裝,此製作技術將整套緊身戰衣展現如電影般可透現出閃亮的仿金屬效果;另外,不得不提其標誌性的黑色鬥篷,採用了更具彈性及重量質感的布料製作,令鬥篷連接肩膊的貼服度和下墜感有更佳效果。隨人偶將附有多對造型手掌以供替換和一個《正義聯盟》的立體電影標誌名牌地台。 

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JUSTICE LEAGUE and all related characters and elements © & ™ DC Comics and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WB SHIELD: ™ & © WBEI. (s21)© 2021 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.


庫存單位: 4895228607430
稅金  未含
  • The 1/6th scale Knightmare Batman Collectible Figure’s special features:
    – Authentic and detailed likeness of Knightmare Batman in Zack Snyder’s Justice League

    – One (1) newly painted Batman masked head sculpt with three (3) interchangeable lower part of faces
    – Highly-detailed desert weathering effects
    – Approximately 32 cm tall
    – Muscular body with over 30 points of articulation which can naturally portray Batman’s muscular body in the film
    – Six (6) pieces of interchangeable gloved hands including:
    – One (1) pair of fists
    – One (1) pair of relaxed hands
    – Two (2) weapon holding right hands
    – Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted


    Costume :
    – One (1) light-brown colored long coat (embedded with bendable wire)
    – One (1) Batsuit with battle damaged effects
    – One (1) brown colored scarf
    – One (1) brown colored scarf for covering lower face
    – One (1) utility belt
    – One (1) brown colored belt with thigh holster
    – One (1) pair of black forearm gauntlets with green arm wraps
    – One (1) pair of dark green pants with knee pads
    – One (1) pair of black boots

    – One (1) machine gun with strap and The Joker’s card
    – One (1) pistol

    – One (1) pair of binoculars
    – One (1) pair of goggles (wearable on Batman head sculpt)
    – Specially designed figure stand with character nameplate

    The 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure’s special features:
    – Authentic and detailed likeness of Superman in Zack Snyder’s Justice League
    – One (1) newly painted head sculpt with LED light-up function recreating Superman’s use of heat vision (battery operated)
    – One (1) newly painted head sculpt with authentic likeness of Henry Cavill as Superman
    – Highly-accurate facial features with detailed wrinkles and skin texture
    – Detailed short hair sculpture
    – Approximately 31.5 cm tall
    – Muscular body with over 30 points of articulation
    – Eight (8) pieces of interchangeable hands including:
    – One (1) pair of fists
    – One (1) pair of relaxed hands
    – One (1) pair for open hands
    – One (1) pair of flying gesture hands
    – Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted

    Costume :
    – One (1) newly tailored black suit with metallic silver grey colored Superman logo across the chest
    – One (1) black colored cape (bendable wire embedded)
    – One (1) pair of black colored boots

    – Specially designed figure stand with character nameplate

    Release date: Approximately Q3 – Q4, 2022

    *Prototype shown is not final, pending licensor approval
    **Battery included for collectible figure, button cells are required
    ***Product details could be subjected to change without further notice

    JUSTICE LEAGUE and all related characters and elements © & ™ DC Comics and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WB SHIELD: ™ & © WBEI. (s21)

    © 2021 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.

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